So, I couldn't help it! I had to look of the definition of mortar for this post. Well, the third word is "workable" and I guess that were I need to start...
This summer I attended the IT conference in Ellicottville, NY at Holiday Valley Resort. I'd been looking forward to this educational conference that focused on Innovative Teaching and what I'd get out of IT. But, after reflecting on what I learned from the keynotes, sessions, and conversations of the day, I realized this time it was more about what I can give from IT.
My favorite "session" turned out to be one of the keynotes...
Teaching From the Heart: Engaging Students with Caring and Courage by Rich Ognibene
New York State's Teacher of the Year 2008 -a chemistry and physics teacher from Fairport, NY
He defines teaching - helping students self-actualize and changing the world for the better.
Some of his thoughts included -
Human interactions nourish the mind and soul.
A caring school culture is essential for student success.
The way we interact with students and others has a direct impact on outcomes.
Challenge: Make the time to connect with your kids.
Ills will not be magically solved by technological gizmos and reading programs - they are interchangable bricks that fall apart without the mortar of a school culture.
No matter what we teach there are kids ready to enter our classroom and say "eww".
Steps for planned emotional engagement...
This guy gets "it"!
1. Respect - want the kids to feel that he'll make sure they are treated kindly
2. Writes a letter to his students - they write a letter back
Symbolically - I care and want to know about you
Functionally - Find out their interests to help engage them in class
3. Tell me something good - celebrate beyond the narrow confines of the curriculum and
there's no wrong answer for their first time to talk in class
4. Learning Pods - small groups
5. Astute Cards - give them out for anything, just make sure they all get one - say I care
Unplanned emotional engagement...
Provide the MORTAR!
Says he's thankful that as a veteran teacher he has the - ability to take the long view of what's important. Remember: the little acts of humanity - love, laughs, mortar. If all else fails - more love.
My thoughts...
As an educator, my goal is to provide the mortar for my students. It's requires a level of sincerety, loads of effort, and a continual focus of your mindset to create a classroom community were kids feel "captured". We've had the opportunity to have Flip Flippen speak and inspire the educators at our school. Many teachers have really made gains with their students by implementing different strategies and creating a positive atmosphere with their students. I'm not saying that I haven't tried, but I'm going to try MORE! My first strategy to implement will be the "Tell Me Something Good" that Rich Ognibene uses. After that, I'd like to try out the letter writing and see how that goes.
Yet, I'm looking for more ideas....
1. How do you provide the "mortar" for your elementary students?
2. What simple, practical ways do you show you care?
3. When do you create the little moments to make the connections needed?
Please share an idea or what you've found effective on the Wallwisher - Provide the "Mortar".
My family is my mortar, more specifically my husband. He is the glue that keeps me together. Everyone needs to have someone be that sticky element in their life. I'm thankful that I have one!